Query API

Geocodr offers an HTTP API to make requests against the index.

The base URL of the API is /query.

Request methods

The API supports HTTP GET requests were all parameters are passed in the query string. The API also supports HTTP POST requests were the parameters are passed in a JSON body.

The GET and JSON methods both use the same parameter names. All parameter names and values are case-sensitive.

Example GET request:

curl "http://localhost:5000/query?type=search&class=address&query=rostock"

Same request as JSON:

curl -X POST \
   --data '{"type": "search", "class": "address", "query": "rostock"}' \
   -H 'Content-type: application/json' \


Geocodr always replies with a valid JSON document.

A document with status and message is returned in case of any error. The status is identical to the returned HTTP status.

  • 400 for invalid requests: Missing required parameter or invalid value.
  • 401 for unauthorized requests: Missing or invalid API-key (see XXX)
  • 500 for internal errors: Connection errors to Solr, etc.

Example request with missing parameter:

% curl http://localhost:5000/query?query=rostock
   "message": "type not in request",
   "status": 400


Successful requests result in a GeoJSON document with a FeatureCollection with zero or more Features. Features can contain all possible geometry types. This depends on the configuration of your data classes. The features are sorted by score (best matches first) or by distance for reverse geocoding queries.

The properties of the FeatureCollection contains additional metadata, like the total number of results, the number of returned results and the number of skipped results (offset). This information can be used for paging.

Example FeatureCollection with the first 20 of 92 results:

   "type": "FeatureCollection"
   "properties": {
      "features_offset": 0,
      "features_returned": 20,
      "features_total": 92
   feature: [


All geometries are in the projection of the indexed data. Make requests with out_epsg=4326 to get a GeoJSON as specified in the standard for interoperability.

General parameters

The following parameters are valid for all requests.

Name Example Description Required/Default
query rostock bahnhofsstr The query string. Yes
type search Type of request, either search or reverse. Yes
class address,parcel One or more comma-separated classes to search for. Classes are defined in your Geocodr mapping. Yes
limit 20 Limit the number of results. No. The configured default limit.
offset 40 Skips the first n results. Can be used for paging in combination with limit. No.
shape centroid One of geometry for the original geometry, centroid for a single point of the geometry or bbox for the bounding box of the geometry. No. geometry
out_epsg 3857 The EPSG code for the GeoJSON output. No. The configured projection of the data.

shape=centroid always returns a point that is on the polygon or line string geometry.


Query for “Jenaplan” school:

curl "http://localhost:5000/query?type=search&class=school&query=jenaplan"

Query centroids in EPSG:4326 of all parcels starting with the specified identifier:

curl "http://localhost:5000/query?type=search&class=parcel&shape=centroid\

Reverse geocoding

The reverse geocoder returns features that intersect with a requested coordinate, or are within a specified radius of that required coordinate. Features are always sorted by distance from the requested coordinate.

Name Example Description Required/Default
type reverse Required for all reverse geocode requests. Yes
class   See above (general parameters). Yes
query 8.123,52.456 Requested coordinate for reverse geocoding request. Axis order is always in long/lat or x/y. See also in_epsg. Yes
radius 20 Return features that are within this radius in meters. limit still applies. No. The configured default radius.
in_epsg 4326 The EPSG code of the projection of the query coordinate. Yes

Reverse geocoding requests can be combined with a spatial filter. The query and in_epsg parameters are ignored in this case.


Query all features within 50 meters:

curl "http://localhost:5000/query?type=reverse&class=address\

Spatial filter

You can restrict search results with a spatial filter. Only features that intersect the filter geometry are returned. Geocodr supports perimeter and bounding box filter.

Geocodr returns all features within the spatial filter, when the filter is added to a reverse geocoding request (type=reverse). The features are sorted by distance from the center of the perimeter of bounding box in this case.

Perimeter filter

Restrict search result to a perimeter.

Name Example Description Required/Default
peri_coord 8.123,52.456 Center coordinate for the perimeter. Axis order is always in long/lat or x/y. See also peri_epsg. Yes
peri_radius 200 Radius of the perimeter in meters. Yes
peri_epsg 4326 The EPSG code of the projection of the center coordinate. No. The configured projection of the data.


Limit results to a perimeter:

curl "http://localhost:5000/query?type=search&class=address&query=neubukow\

Query up to limit features within this perimeter. Sorted by distance from center of the perimeter:

curl "http://localhost:5000/query?type=reverse&class=address&query=required+but+ignored\

Bounding box filter

Restrict search result to a bounding box.

Name Example Description Required Default
bbox 8.123,52.456,8.234,52.567 Bounding box coordinates as xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax. Axis order is always in long/lat or x/y. See also bbox_epsg. Yes  
bbox_epsg 4326 The EPSG code of the projection of the center coordinate. No The configured projection of the data.


Limit results to a bounding box:

curl "http://localhost:5000/query?type=search&class=address\

Query up to limit features within this bounding box. Sorted by distance from center of the bounding box:

curl "http://localhost:5000/query?type=reverse&class=address\

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing and JSONP

By default, browsers do not allow making API calls from a different domain for security reasons.

Geocodr sends an Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * header with each response to allow this Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.

The Access-Control-Allow-Origin header is supported by most browsers. Geocodr also supports JSONP if you need to support older browsers.

Use the callback parameter to pass your JSONP function name to the API. Unlike other parameters, callback must be passed as a query parameter even for JSON POST requests.

Name Example Description Required
callback mycallback JSONP callback implemented by the caller. Yes, if Access-Control-Allow-Origin is not supported
% curl "http://localhost:5000/query?type=search&class=address&query=rostock&callback=mycallback"
  "features": [
      "geometry": {

API key

Geocodr allows to restrict API requests to calls with a valid API key. Read the tutorial on how to enable this. Unlike other parameters, key must be passed as a query parameter even for JSON POST requests.

Name Example Description Required
key abc Valid API key. Yes (if API keys are enabled)

User/Password authentication

Geocodr allows to restrict API requests to calls with a valid username and password. Geocodr only passes these information to Solr and you need to configure Solr to handle Basic-Authentication. Read the tutorial on how to enable this.

This authentication has higher precedence then API keys, i.e. “key” is ignored when “user” and “password” is provided.

The user and password parameter are only supported inside JSON POST requests, to prevent that the password appears in log files.

Name Example
user tom
password tomssecurepassword